Supervisors hear 911 plea

Hardin County Supervisors have heard about a request from the 911 Service Board.
“In December…Hardin County experienced problems with our radio system,” said Deputy Director of Hardin County Emergency Management McKenzie Burton.
That led to a call to RCSystems in Cedar Rapids.
“At that time we came to a conclusion our radio system is nearing 15 years old, and that it was at end of life and parts were no longer being made,” said Burton.
A quote of $313,850 was given for a New Providence-area receiver.
County approval would be needed.
“And the joint 911 Services Board does not currently have the funds for this project,” said Burton.
Representatives from Eldora-Ackley EMS, the Eldora Police Department, New Providence Fire Department, Iowa Falls Fire Department and Hubbard Fire and Ambulance as well as the City of Union were among those speaking on behalf.
Scott Williams, New Providence Fire Department Chief, was among those who speak.
“You can’t make out addresses,” said Williams. “Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.”
Firefighters have found themselves having to try to get a text message for where they need to go to fight a fire.
That is a situation, according to Williams, that simply cannot stand.
Law enforcement agrees with that assessment.
“Pages are inaudible, and it’s rare that they aren’t,” said Eldora Police Chief Nick Hassebrock.
The project drew board support.
“I’m a pretty easy sell on this,” said Board Chairman Lance Granzow.
While the idea drew consensus, it could be a while to get the project off the ground.
Roughly 12 weeks to get a license from the FCC due to regulatory red tape and two to four months to get the physical equipment would be needed, supervisors heard.
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