Correction and Retraction Policy

Correction and Retraction Policy

  Our Eldora Herald-Ledger strives for accurate and complete news reporting but occasionally we get it wrong. In cases where an error has been made we will run a correction, clarification, retraction or editor’s note in the next edition. Our goal in any event is to inform readers of corrections clearly and quickly, citing the incorrect information and updating with the correct information.  

All corrections will be printed on page 2A in the next issue published. The correction will denote the issue, article and incorrect information along with the correction.  Digital corrections will also be made and an editor’s note will be added to the bottom of the article in question noting what was inaccurate and noting when the article was amended.   If the article was posted on Facebook, Twitter or any other online medium controlled by The Eldora Herald-Ledger, a post will be made linking to the corrected article, noting the correction.


The Eldora Newspapers

The Eldora Newspapers

Ph. 641-456-2585

Mid-America Publishing

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