Letter to the Editor Policy
Letter to the Editor Policy
The Eldora Herald-Ledger welcomes the opinions of our readers in the form of letters to the editor, as long as the submissions are not in bad taste and refrain from attacking individuals without supporting documentation or a rational and legally defensible justification. In any event the newspaper reserves the sole discretion to decide whether or not a reader submission will be published. If your letter is selected it will be run on a single occasion and you agree to give us the right to publish it in print and digital form. The Eldora Herald-Ledger will not accept letters that are duplicated, reprinted, copied, or otherwise reproduced. Letters should be original, typewritten or neatly handwritten. Letters should not exceed 300 words. Letters exceeding this length could be subject to editing and may not be published in their entirety.
The Eldora Herald-Ledger does not as a general rule print form letters or letters which are also submitted to other newspapers. We are most interested in sincere personal views as opposed to canned publicity releases or talking points for an individual or a cause, therefore if a writer cannot assure us that their submission is individual and personal, it may be rejected.
Your Letter to the Editor must include:
· Your full name with signature
· Your complete address
· Your telephone number
Your address and telephone number will not be printed in the newspaper, but will be used for verification by newspaper editorial staff.
Unsigned letters and letters containing personal attacks the newspaper deems to be of a libelous nature will not be published. The Eldora Herald-Ledger reserves the right to end debate on a topic after both sides have had ample chance to express their views. The Eldora Herald-Ledger reserves the right to edit or refuse all letters. All columns and letters on the opinion page are the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Eldora Herald-Ledger
The Eldora Newspapers
The Eldora Newspapers
Ph. 641-456-2585
Mid-America Publishing
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