Fenster named new superintendent

ELDORA — The Eldora-New Providence (E-NP) and Hubbard-Radcliffe (H-R) Community School
District Boards of Directors, partnered together as South Hardin Schools, have named Chris Fenster
as the next district superintendent.
Currently serving as superintendent of Southwest Valley Schools, Fenster leads curriculum and
programming efforts to research and adopt a curriculum that aligns K-5 and 6-12 instruction
district-wide, while also increasing dual credit, Advanced Placement, career and technical education,
and apprenticeships. He led two successful capital bond referendums to improve facilities to meet the
21st century learning needs while increasing operational sharing positions to both provide system
infrastructure support and increase revenue for the budget.
Fenster previously served as superintendent of the North Linn Community Schools. He has nearly 20
years of experience in K-12 leadership and instruction.
“I am incredibly excited to be selected as the next superintendent of the South Hardin Schools,”
Fenster said. “During my time interviewing with the boards and getting to know the district, I have
been impressed with the amazing dedication of the teachers and staff, as well as the engagement of
parents and families. I look forward to starting the next chapter in South Hardin.”
Fenster holds a specialist in educational leadership degree and a master of education degree from
Drake University.
“We are pleased to appoint a highly experienced and well-respected district leader to this critical role
for our schools,” said Jared Cook, E-NP Board President. “We believe that Mr. Fenster has the right
mix of skills, experiences, and approach to make a big impact for our students, staff, and families. We
look forward to seeing his leadership in action in the coming school year and beyond.”
Board members worked with Grundmeyer Leader Services to conduct the search. Fenster interviewed
with stakeholder interview groups on Monday, January 27.
Fenster will officially begin leading South Hardin Schools on July 1, 2025.
The Eldora Newspapers
The Eldora Newspapers
Ph. 641-456-2585
Mid-America Publishing
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