Team Loveshack is back

ELDORA – Team Loveshack will be back on the road for RAGBRAI this year, and for team member Scott Kosanke, that means gearing up for another long week of riding.

Kosanke has been riding RAGBRAI for the past six or seven years, and is a member of Team Loveshack, a group of about 20 riders, mostly from the Eldora area. The group gets together every year to ride the 400 to 600 mile trek across the state together, and have become well known in Hardin County for their love of RAGBRAI.

Kosanke said the group tries to get together to ride at least a few times before RAGBRAI, but that doesn’t always work out, as some of the riders are now living in Texas and Kansas. That doesn’t stop the group from being close, though, as can be expected for a group of people that spend an entire week together, riding and camping and such. (Read the rest in Tuesday’s Ledger)

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The Eldora Newspapers

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